Monday, November 28, 2005

Track Lighting for the Soul

It was still very early in the morning and the hallway was very dark as I stumbled around the corner. As I was feeling my way through the darkness I saw light coming from my office at the end of the hall. Thankfully it was enough light to guide me down the hall to navigate around the inevitable pet toy that was in my way. As I settled into my desk I thought of how God's word is like track lighting.

When you board an airplane for a flight, just before take-off there is a small presentation in case of an emergency. One of the safety features mentioned is the track lighting in the aisles. You are told that in the event of an emergency the track lighting on the floor on each side of the aisle, will guide you to safety. The lights are bright enough to penetrate even some of the worst possible conditions such as complete darkness or dense smoke.

Our lives are much like this. As we stumble through the darkness of our daily lives, trying to find our way, or do our jobs, or care for our families, we often bump into things that bruise or hurt us. Things that we did not see or anticipate in the darkness. God's Word can help to penetrate our minds and shed light on even the darkest moments we experience.

God's word, the Bible, is much like the track lighting for our soul. It contains the information we need to make the journey down the hallway of life to God. He is the light we see shining ahead of us, drawing us closer and closer to Him. If we focus on Him, and study His word, He will guide us.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path."
-- Psalm 109:105

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Monday, November 14, 2005

How to "Recharge" Your Life

Recently I moved from Nevada to Ohio and I have been amazed at the differences in landscape I see on a daily basis. The desert can certainly be a beautiful place, too, and every state or city I have lived in has had its own unique charm and beauty. But, I picked a great time to move to the East as the Fall leaves were at the height of the season when I arrived. What a treat! To see all that color and to experience the smells that Fall brings with it: leaves falling; crisp, cold mornings; Harvest moons and so forth!

A maple tree in my neighbor's back yard has been particularly beautiful and I noticed today that its leaves are finally dropping as it gets ready for winter. I couldn't help but ponder, too, how many of our lives are preparing for the winter as well. We all tend to go into "hibernation" in the winter and I, for one, really do not have the luxury of hibernating this winter. There are things I need to do in my life and I need to not waste any time reaching some very basic, and necessary, goals financially, emotionally and in my physical space. So, I went in search of information on how to "recharge" my life.

There are a lot of presumed "experts" in this field and some have some pretty wacky and wild ideas of what "recharge" means. Everything from removing all the toxins from your body, to mind-bending exercises and more. I'm a bit skeptical of what I call "hocus-pocus" and not a big risk taker at all. I want something that is logical, easy-to-do, simple and "normal" that will keep me on track. So, back to the drawing board I went.

At last I was successful and found some great advice that is reasonable. Henry Ford was quoted to having said:

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs."

Now that is something that I can relate to and seems logical enough. But, how do I apply this to my life as it is now? Life coaches, mentors and psychologists will tell you that your life is all connected in one way or the other. Goals are always good, but that in and of itself is not enough. You need to know how to "chunk down" the goals into manageable "baby steps" so that you can keep going on a day-by-day basis. Henry Ford was right, divide it into small "jobs" and nothing can stop you.

With Fall almost over and winter approaching now is a good time to start planning for the coming year. Don't wait for New Years to suddenly be upon you to make some half-baked, insincere resolution, and then go merrily on your way.

Instead, sit down and take an honest assessment of what you have done, and will do in 2005 and where you want to be in 2006. Break that down into manageable "chunks" or small jobs or tasks. Then, in the Fall of 2005 use these goals as a launching pad to connect your life to a more successful future. This is a great way to begin a fresh new 2006 year. You will feel revitalized and recharged and ready to continue on your life's journey with a new fresh perspective!
I'm heading over to my desk now with paper and pen in hand ... good luck on your endeavors as well!

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Appreciation Attracts Prosperity

Did you know that appreciation is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe for manifesting and attracting prosperity? According to teachers like L. Ron Hubbard (father of Dianetics), Abraham-Hicks and Drunvalo Melchizedek, appreciating yourself and your life can literally boost you to the highest vibrations.

If you’re a student of prosperity or manifestation, you probably know that the higher your vibration, the easier it is to attract positive things into your life. Because most of us are so busy and stressed by the pace of life, we find it difficult to get to and stay in a high vibration. Yet, this is where the attraction of prosperity most easily occurs. According to Abraham-Hicks, 17 seconds of pure positive energy (translation: appreciation), is actually worth 2,000 hours of physical work! That means, if you want prosperity in your life and you don’t want to work so hard, then start appreciating as many things as you can.

How do you appreciate? It’s simple. Pick any topic in your life. Start by finding the best thought or feeling you can about it. Then, find the next better thought or feeling about that. Then, the next better one. Keep reaching for the next better thought or feeling, and pretty soon you will be in appreciation!

For instance, let’s say you’re not too fond of your place of work and you feel so stressed there that you have a hard time being appreciative. A good thought you might have about your work is that it pays your bills so you have food, shelter and gainful employment. Next, you might reach for a thought about a co-worker who is your friend, who keeps you laughing. After that, a thought about a good laugh the two of you shared will probably pop into your head. After that, a thought about how much better your current job is than your last one will appear. Next, you might appreciate the amount of vacation time you get. And so on.

The trick is to follow this process through, no matter how artificial it seems at first, until you actually feel a positive shift in your thoughts and feelings. You will feel lighter, brighter, happier, more uplifted and joyful. Many people have followed this process through until they are literally crying with appreciation. Think about how much prosperity that attracts!!

Even though Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, a little appreciation and gratitude (or giving of thanks) on a daily basis will take you far in the journey toward prosperity. Good luck and, most of all, have fun with this!

About the Author: Stephanie Yeh and her partner have helped many other people achieve and experience prosperity with the help of a strong 15 year network marketing business. Her current project, the Journeyman Wealth Program, is aimed at helping 15 people a year fully achieve their dreams. Stephanie’s Prosperity Abounds website works on the basic principle that “You are the creator of your own reality!”. Web Site :

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

True Success Defined

"Success is always temporary.
When it is all said and done,
the only thing you'll have left
is your character."
--Vince Gill

Society today determines "success" according to external and personal values. For human beings "judging a book by its cover" is a natural process and what you see, with your five senses, is often interpreted as reality or truth. Unfortunately, though, when you evaluate success using this criterion you are only scratching the surface.

Now, there is nothing wrong with material or external symbols of success. But the value, or measure of success, determined by our possessions is really a personal opinion. We place the value of our success on these items. An expensive sports car, or boat, has no real value on its own. The value comes from the symbol in which we want it to represent, or measure of success we want others to see that it portrays. When our "success" gets out of control then these symbols, or expressions of our success, are often illusions. Illusions are all too often the cause of frustration, anger, pain and lack of depth and soul that we see in the world today.

Let's turn the focus and root of success inward. Success is not what happens on the outside, but it is something that comes from within. Our real value, or spiritual successfulness, is the source of all that we are or have become. It is our true potential or the higher part of ourselves that makes us truly successful. Spiritual successfulness does not need outward symbols or possessions. It comes from "within" us and not "outside" of ourselves.

If you go about your life attempting to replace that which comes from within you, that spiritual part of yourself, with external symbols or possessions, we will never feel fulfilled or successful, no matter what you do. You will need to constantly replace, upgrade or "go to the next level." You will always want more because you have not tapped into the source of true happiness. Therefore, just as Vince Gill spoke of in the quote above, your success will be an illusion and only something temporary.

So, the definition of true success is that it is none other than the simple ability to connect with the "you" within. Nothing more and nothing less, that's all there is to it. True success is achieved when you strive to continually reach your highest spiritual potential. Real success is how you are inside rather than how successful you appear outside of your inner self.

Copyright M. A. Webb 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Opportunities Are Like Fine Wine

Opportunities are like a fine wine - they just better with age! No one should feel discouraged, or not pursue a dream or an opportunity simply on the basis of their age. As long as you have your health and are capable of thought there is a place for you in this world and the older you are the more valuable your experience and contribution!

You may have run across people who could have been doing some sort of useful or creative work, but repeat negative phrases such as:
  • "I had a difficult childhood"
  • "If I could only live my life over knowing what I know now"
  • "I married too soon"
  • "I am too old to do anything now"
  • "They want younger people now"

People constantly gripe and complain about their lack of opportunity, when all around them are more opportunities than one person can possibly use. Some say they can't move forward because they don't have any cash, capital or assets. But, how many rich people are there that started with nothing? Unfortunately, it is not opportunity that people lack, but perseverance.

Human beings have a natural tendency for laziness. If you want to be successful in life, or business, you must lift yourself above this nasty character trait and set your will to work and your heart on fire to achieve the success you desire. Lack of decision, too, leads to procrastination and can easily rob you of your inheritance. It is so easy to say to yourself, "I'll do it tomorrow," and then find that tomorrow never comes. That single indecision can lead to a lifetime of neglect and delays.

Are you seeking some sort of achievement or success? If you are serious about this and have a goal in sight, seize this very moment and do what you can do to make your dream become a reality. Just start doing something! Stop using your age, or some other flimsy excuse, as a reason to not move forward. Be bold and self-confident. With a little patience and determination you can take that first step to success. The more little steps you take the easier they become and before long you will have achieved your goal.

Take the disappointments that come along the way in stride and turn these into learning opportunities. Leverage them to move you closer to your goal. NEVER let a roadblock stop you from becoming successful!

Susan Coolidge said:

"Every day is a fresh beginning; every morn is the world made new: you who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here is a beautiful hope for you -- A hope for me, and a hope for you. Every day is a fresh beginning: Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain, and, spite of old sorrow and older sinning, and puzzles forecasted and possible pain. Take heart with the day, and begin again!"

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Formula for Happiness

In highly developed countries there is a growing trend where people think about the meaning of life. Typically this is a spiritually based concern that is genuine and broader than the tradiational religious views practiced in numerous other countries in the world. And yet, it is unclear to most how they want to live their life in a meaningful way.

Many people think that they will achieve happiness "when...." But it is important to note that happiness is not something that you can buy or attain and it is not something that just happens to you. Happiness is an emotion that comes from deep within you. You are motivated from within to express happiness.

John Agno, a certified Executive and Business Coach has a great formula that I'd like to share with you. Write this down on a 3x5" index card and keep it with you as it is a very helpful tool.

Happiness = K x D x L

  • K = knowing who you are
  • D = discovering your life's work
  • L = learning not to tolerate what's not important

This is his formula for happiness. Know yourself, what your true calling is and that you get what you tolerate.

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Daily Prayer

"Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings each morning, thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf.

Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you Lord, that I can see. There are many who are blind.

Even though I huddle in my bed and put off the effort of rising, thank you, Lord that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.

Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned, and tempers are short, thank you, Lord, for my family. There are many who are lonely.

Even though our breakfast table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced, thank you, Lord for the food we have. There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for the gift of life."

-Author Unknown

Saturday, November 05, 2005

How Do You Take Care of Yourself?

Taking care of ourselves is a topic that we often avoid, but warrants some thought from each of us. What do you think of when someone tells you to put yourself first? You may have a whole list of excuses or responses to this question, including: "That would be selfish," or "I've got to take care of my kids and family first," and the biggest excuse of all, "I'm too busy!"

There are two reasons that we should take care of ourselves:
  • You are worth it!
  • If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be able to care for anyone else.

In a recent Dateline article found on the UCDavis website, they likened taking care of ourselves to an airplane trip. You will recall when they give their short presentation on safety and talk of oxygen masks, they tell you to put your mask on first then to assist others around you. If you put your mask on first, or take care of yourself first, then you will be able to assist many people around you. If you deprive yourself of what your body, heart and soul needs, then there will be very little of yourself left to share or help others.

There's a third reason we rarely heart about, but let's put all our cards on the table today:

  • We need to take care of ourselves and not always take care of others because that sometimes hurts the other person.

For example, if you are a parent and you always take care of your child's problems or hurts, they will never learn from their mistakes or develop a healthy self-esteem or even learn how to take care of themselves. Uh-oh! How many times have you heard a parent say that they want to protect their child from getting hurt or having to deal with problems or difficulties. Think about what is best for that child, family member or friend before you jump in to solve a problem.

Now, in order to take care of yourself you will need balance in your life. Balance is something that we achieve when:

  • We have a life work that is challenging and gives us a sense of accomplishment;
  • We have time to play in order to relax, have fun and experience joy;
  • We have love in our life, meaning not just a romantic or physical love but the love of one person to another;
  • We experience a spirituality where we have some sort of connectivity to something larger than ourselves.

As you read this list you may find that you have all of these components for balance in your life. Next, determine what percent or proportion they represent in your life. In my opinion this is the whole crux to living our lives on a daily basis - keeping these elements in proportionate balance.

So, what are some things that you can start doing today to take care of yourself? When was the last time that you did something purely for fun? When was the last time you said "no" to someone without feeling guilty about it? When was the last time you let your child solve a problem on his/her own? When was the last time you put your personal needs, health or well-being ahead of another's lesser needs?

Taking care of yourself may be one of the hardest things you can do. It helps to have a friend or family member who is supportive and is someone you can talk openly with about what is going on in your life. Other ways to take care of yourself include talking over your concerns with another; exercise, diet and sleep; setting limits; and solving problems. You should also take mini stress breaks or mini vacations each day to refresh your energy and spirit. As you begin taking care of yourself you will find that you have more to give to others and that the balance in your life will once again be restored.

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

Friday, November 04, 2005


"In ordinary life
we hardly realize that we receive
a great deal more than we give,
and that it is only with gratitude
that life becomes rich."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tug-of-War With a Tiger

"If you are losing a tug-of-war with a tiger,
give him the rope before he gets to your arm.
You can always buy a new rope."

-Max Gunther