Monday, November 07, 2005

Formula for Happiness

In highly developed countries there is a growing trend where people think about the meaning of life. Typically this is a spiritually based concern that is genuine and broader than the tradiational religious views practiced in numerous other countries in the world. And yet, it is unclear to most how they want to live their life in a meaningful way.

Many people think that they will achieve happiness "when...." But it is important to note that happiness is not something that you can buy or attain and it is not something that just happens to you. Happiness is an emotion that comes from deep within you. You are motivated from within to express happiness.

John Agno, a certified Executive and Business Coach has a great formula that I'd like to share with you. Write this down on a 3x5" index card and keep it with you as it is a very helpful tool.

Happiness = K x D x L

  • K = knowing who you are
  • D = discovering your life's work
  • L = learning not to tolerate what's not important

This is his formula for happiness. Know yourself, what your true calling is and that you get what you tolerate.

Copyright M. A. Webb, 2005. All Rights Reserved

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