Friday, May 05, 2006

Out of Adversity Comes ....

In October, 2005 I moved across the country. There were a number of "good" reasons for doing so, but at the time of the move I was confident that after I arrived in my new home that I would find a great job, meet lots of new friends and just "love" the change. I should have known better, but it did not turn out quite like I had envisioned.

The good news is that it has not been all bad either, thankfully! But, the great new job, lots of new friends and everything turning out perfect in a rosy-colored world didn't materialize. Today I still believe that the move was blessed by God and that, for some reason still not yet known to me, I was supposed to come here. If adversity, challenges, trials and difficulties are supposed to make us better individuals and children of God, then I have been in the boot camp for those in distress!

David, who certainly had his fair share of distress, said in Psalm 4:1, "God you have enlarged me in my time of distress." Here is what I am learning from David:
  • God never "wastes" a trial or challenge on us. He uses this to help us to grow and build our faith.
  • Just as with any sport or physical challenge, resistance builds strength. To grow and make the best of a difficult time we must resist the devil and all his sneaky ways to make us stumble or fail.
  • God's Word, the Bible, is our map and guidebook. We need to read and use His Word to help us to understand our situation and to help us build our faith and trust in God's plan for us.
  • Develop a good attitude filled with positive thoughts and gratefulness for the blessings that we do have AND for being entrusted with the challenges before you. We should pray and sing God's praises for the blessings in our lives.
  • Trust that God is on your side and that He has every intention of giving us a life that is filled with happiness, success and good things!

I hope that as you go throughout your day that you will take time out to thank God for His goodness and blessings and to not forget that He is helping you to grow by giving you challenges and life experiences that require us to exercise our minds and attitudes.


Copyright M. A. Webb, 2004-2006. All Rights Reserved

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