- What do you think you are waiting for today?
- What does God need you to discover (or rediscover) about your relationship with Him today?
- And, instead of focusing on how to "fix" others, how will you focus on your inner self and ask God for guidance to see what He wants you to learn today?
Thanks for visiting my Blog! You will find this to be a collection of my thoughts and interests. I am constantly learning more about how to be authentic, accountable and accepting. I am passionate about my work as a cancer registrar and helping others to grow, learn, mentor and lead. I hope you will find something of interest to you here as well!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Why Are You Waiting?
As we go about our daily lives God puts different situations in front of us to not only test our faith and give us opportunities to grow. Author Karen Phillips Goodman states this wonderfully in her book, You're Late Again, Lord! The concept is that as we sit in whatever room we find ourselves in today, we will not advance to the next room until we have learned the lessons here first. To do this requires a constant walk with God and absolute trust and faith that He will be with you every step of the way and that He will not put you in a situation in which you will fail. He is interested in our success and well-being. But you know, like I do, that growth and success only comes from some sort of experience, some are even painful. While I am not an expert in learning my lessons, I have begun to ask myself these questions to help me understand God's plan, or lesson, for today. Perhaps you will find these helpful as well: