Have you noticed that life seems to be whipping past us at warp speed? In all the hurry of our everyday lives it is important to remember to enjoy it. You have probably heard this before, right? But, have you actually practiced it? Every day that you spend worrying about trivial things is a day you subtract from the time you could be using to do something meaningful or something that adds value to your life.
Last week I was looking at an old high school annual. You probably have one similar to mine where everyone writes, "...never change..." "..stay just like you are..." and so forth. In reality, that is exactly what you should be doing. Living life x2, or to its fullest extent with value and meaning, means that you will reinvent yourself each and every day. I don't know who, but someone once said that "stagnation is suicide."
Look around each day and find something you can do to add value and meaning to your life and the lives of others. Reinvention does not have to be complicated. Look for the simple, heart felt things you can do or say. Live life x2!