Recently I read a short post describing faith as an activity of the heart, or a connection we have and make in our life. Sharon Salzberg, a meditation teacher in Massachusetts describes faith as an activity of the heart. By reaching for connections instead of staying isolated and recognizing that everything is changing all of the time we can apply our faith as a daily activity rather than just a concept or belief.
She says that "...the essence of faith is connection." We all recognize that our lives are very complex and difficult today and faith is an activity that ignites our capacity to expand our relationships, to love, forgive and to heal from all those hurts, bumps and scrapes we experience every day. It is also an activity that connects us to a higher source that feeds our mind and soul with value and purpose that drives us to want to be better human beings.
By practicing faith as an activity, rather than just something I believe in, I can replenish my thoughts, bring value and purpose to my life, and have the energy to carry forward every day.